Second SHERLOCK HOLMES Trailer Arrives

Founder and Editor; Toronto, Canada (@AnarchistTodd)
Second SHERLOCK HOLMES Trailer Arrives

Funny thing: I never pictured Sherlock Holmes being a stick fighter. But there he is in the new trailer for Guy Ritchie's upcoming take, sticks in hand, swinging away and looking pretty good doing it. Heh.

In all seriousness, though, as much as purists may gripe that Ritchie has amped up the action and explosions while dumbing down the thoughtfulness of the character, thereby damaging what made him appealing in the first place - very valid complaints, from what we've seen so far, and ones I'll certainly not argue with - I've got to say this just looks fun. And there aint nothing wrong with that. Both trailers lurk below the break.

Trailer Two

Trailer One

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