The Fourth Reich just got a little hotter. The Moon Nazis enlist Julia Dietze.

Editor, News; Toronto, Canada (@Mack_SAnarchy)
The Fourth Reich just got a little hotter. The Moon Nazis enlist Julia Dietze.

Well, it is about time that we got more news from the crew behind the upcoming Moon Nazi pic Iron Sky. You will remember that this is the same crew that brought us the wonderful Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning. We now have in our sights the first baddie. Say Guten Tag! to Julia Dietze!

Julia Dietze will be starring Iron Sky, the science fiction comedy about Nazis from the Dark Side of the Moon. Dietze, who just played opposite Til Schweiger in a German comedy 1½ Ritter, will play the lead role as a Moon Nazi officer who is sent to Earth to find out if our planet is ripe for the Fourth Reich.

The trailers have been impressive and we eagerly anticipate the landing of Iron Sky as soon as possible!


Julia Dietze will be starring Iron Sky, the science fiction comedy about Nazis from the Dark Side of the Moon. Dietze, who just played opposite Til Schweiger in a German comedy 1½ Ritter, will play the lead role as a Moon Nazi officer who is sent to Earth to find out if our planet is ripe for the Fourth Reich.

"Julia is a perfect opposite to the testosterone-filled Nazis and massive space battles the film's visual imagery consists mainly of", says the director of Iron Sky Timo Vuorensola.

Earlier this week the people of Berlin and the EFM visitors were shocked to find out that a secret Nazi Moon base on the dark side of the moon had been spotted by a satellite. The news were delivered by a paperboy handing out copies of a newspaper called The Truth Today.

"The Internet community of Iron Sky helped us again to come up with a kick-ass cost effective marketing campaign which increases our visibility, not only within the industry but also among the audience", says Tero Kaukomaa from Blind Spot Pictures, who is currently in talks with sales companies in Berlin. "Last year Iron Sky got it's first blast of publicity when the 2,5 minutes teaser was released on the Internet in May. It started spreading out like wildfire and we're already closing on to 2 million viewers." Kaukomaa adds.

Iron Sky is a co-production with Blind Spot Pictures (Finland) and 27 Film Productions (Germany).

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