Tag: roschdyzem

New York 2019 Review: OH MERCY!, Arnaud Desplechin's LAW AND ORDER

Certainly different from any other Desplechin film I have watched over the years, but no less intriguing. The love he has for his hometown and its inhabitants are undoubtedly palpable. Desplechin is a master storyteller and humanist. The film is a very moving experience.

Fantastic Fest 2012 Review: PARIS BY NIGHT Asks If a Dirty Cop Can Ever Come Clean

Everybody knows Captain Weiss, from doormen to bartenders to dancers to musicians to club owners to shadowy underworld figures. He makes his nightly rounds with quiet assurance and understated authority, negotiating deals, solving problems, doing favors, and occasionally receiving...

Tour The Underbelly Of Paris For ONE NIGHT

France already has one high profile nightclub set crime thriller on the horizon with Toronto film fest hit Sleepless Night but, proving that 'parallel development' isn't just an American phenomenon, there's also a second on the way in Philippe Lefebvre's...