Tag: libbyewing

Review: WHEN I CONSUME YOU, Creepy, Thought-Provoking, Masterful

Perry Blackshear, the director of the 2015 indie slow-burn film They Look Like People, is back with another really interesting, micro-budget creeper, When I Consume You. The premise is simple. A brother and sister try to fend off a mysterious...

Screamfest 2021 Awards: NOCTURNA: SIDE A - THE GREAT OLD MAN'S NIGHT Wins Big

It's nice to see a film that you love get embraced by a festival and take home a slew of hardware. Screamfest Horror Film Festival announced this year's award winners and Gonzalo Calzada's Nocturna: Side A - The Great Old...

WHEN I CONSUME YOU: Yellow Veil Pictures to Handle English-Speaking World Sales

...a woman and her brother hunt down a mysterious stalker hellbent on their destruction, testing the limits of love and loyalty in the face of ultimate evil.   Our friends at Yellow Veil Pictures have picked up the English-speaking world...