Tag: himeshpatel

THE ASSESSMENT Review: So You Want Children?

Elizabeth Olsen, Alicia Vikander, Himesh Patel, Charlotte Ritchie, and Minnie Driver star in director Fleur Fortuné's savage science-fiction parable.

Toronto 2024 Review: THE ASSESSMENT, Savage Science Fiction Parable of State Authority and Parenting

Giving a whole new meaning to the phrase, “we took a pregnancy test,” Fleur Fortuné’s debut feature, The Assessment, is a saturated provocation on parental anxiety. It is a Kobayashi Maru wrapped in a Voight-Kampff test inside the Stanford Prison experiment....

Review: YESTERDAY, A Truly Fab Tale Full of Magic, Mystery, and a Tour

Danny Boyle directs a new Beatles-themed comedy sure to please, starring Himesh Patel, Lily James and Ed Sheeran.