Tag: hellorhighwater

Eric Ortiz's Favorite Movies Of 2017

In 2017, a pretty great year for cinema if you ask me, I watched around 115 new releases, some of them originally from 2016 due to the always conflicting Mexican distribution system. On the other hand, I was able to...

An American Film Geek's Top Ten of 2016

2016 Strikes... a Chord "2016 strikes again!" Whether it was the rash of jarring celebrity deaths, the disquieting state of global affairs, or the most gawd-awful U.S. presidental election in modern memory, 2016 proved to be the difficult "dumpster fire"...

Gamera Obscura: We Love DON'T BREATHE and HELL OR HIGH WATER for the Same Reason

I’ll try to keep it brief this time out. That’s because what follows is stunningly obvious -- although maybe only to you and me. Therefore, please feel free to forward this week’s column to the TPTB at the Hollywood majors....