Official website for Minoru Kawasaki's EXECUTIVE KOALA (KOARA KACHÔ), w/ Hironobu Nomura, Elli-Rose



The official website for Minoru Kawasaki's Executive Koala (Koara kachô) is now online, although at present it's just a home page. The movie premièred at the Louis Vuitton Hawaii International Film Festival (LVHIFF) in Honolulu on October 28th. Tornado Film K.K. (K.K. Torunêdo Firumu) is set to release it theatrically in Japan next year.

The screenplay for Executive Koala was written by Kawasaki and Masakazu Migita, based on a story by the former. The movie's cast includes Hironobu Nomura, Elli-Rose (Erirôzu; a.k.a. Ellirose), Ho Lee (I Ho), Eiichi Kikuchi, Arthur Kuroda (Kuroda Âsâ), Hideki Saijô, Ryû Hariken, Megumi Yamanaka, Hitomi Takashima, and Chika Kumada.

Here's a synopsis for Executive Koala from this page for the movie on the LVHIFF website: "Tamura is an average divorced salaryman in Japan - and also a man-sized, suit-and-tie wearing, upright-walking koala bear. Though not a human being, he's a successful businessman with ventures overseas who refuses to play office politics. He hopes to marry his girlfriend, Yoko, and raise a child. His visions are of an ordinary life with an ordinary company until his ordinary retirement. But when his girlfriend turns up dead one morning, the police finger the Executive Koala as their prime suspect. Temura runs from Detective Ono and fights to prove his innocence. Tamura wants to know why there are gaps in his memory. Is he a murderer? Does he have multiple personalities? And what does his bartender (the frog) and his boss (the rabbit) know about the two-hundred year old terrifying secret behind the EXECUTIVE KOALA?"

Kawasaki's previous directing credits include Kabuto-O Beetle (Kabuto-Ô Bîtoru) and The Calamari Wrestler (Ika resurâ). ScreenAnarchy, in association with, is now providing downloadable trailers for both of these movies.

Executive Koala official website
Kabuto-O Beetle trailer (downloadable 4.1 MB WMV file)
Kabuto-O Beetle official website
ScreenAnarchy: Third article on Kabuto-O Beetle
The Calamari Wrestler trailer (downloadable 6.5 MB WMV file)

ScreenAnarchy: Review of The Calamari Wrestler J-sploitation subsite

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