BLACKBERRY: Now Playing in Movie Theaters

"Blackberry is not simply 'good enough.' It is a legend."--Kurt Halfyard.
The film opens May 12 in North American movie theaters; in Canada via Elevation Pictures and in the U.S. via IFC Films.
Walking around the office, waving around the device in his hand, my co-worker proclaimed: "Look, I can get the Internet on this thing!"
Around the turn of the century, that sounded like science fiction. It was, in fact, a BlackBerry that he held in his hand. We turn now to Kurt Halfyard's review, published on this site a few weeks ago during the Calgary Underground Film Festival:
"The history of the rise and fall of Blackberry was documented in a well received book, Losing the Signal, by two Canadian writers, Jacquie McNish and Sean Silcoff. When this book fell into the hands of Matt Johnson and his long time writing/producing partner, Matthew Miller, they certainly took a page out of legendary filmmaker John Ford, and his classic, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. Apologies to both with this paraphrase: "This is Waterloo, sir. When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.'"
Please read Kurt's fine review in its entirety, then make plans to see BlackBerry in a movie theater. It opens tomorrow.You may wave your hands around the theater and reenact the joys of an amazing, revolutionary device, as long as you are polite.