CLEMENTINE: Coming-of-Age Psychological Thriller Heads to Virtual Cinemas

Emerging from last year's Tribeca Film Festival, Clementine sounds like a fine candidate for a genre-mash good time when it opens in virtual cinemas next week.
"Reeling from a one-sided breakup," according to the official synopsis, "anguished Karen (Otmara Marrero) flees Los Angeles for her ex's idyllic lake house in the Pacific Northwest. There, she becomes entangled with a mysterious, alluring younger woman (Sydney Sweeney), whom she cannot seem to resist.
"Equal parts psychological thriller and sexual coming-of-age story, Clementine is a tense rumination on who to love and how to let go."
Though I haven't watched Clementine yet, nor even seen a trailer, four points about the film stand in its favor: (1) Lara Jean Gallagher wrote and directed; (2) the very talented Sonya Walger is featured in the cast; (3) Oscilloscope Laboratories, an outfit with good taste in genre films, is distributing; (4) psychological thriller + coming-of-age story.
Thus, Clementine has been placed on my radar for next week. More information may be gleaned from the official site.