In cinema, all you need is a girl and a gun. Good old Godard said this of filmmaking, but it applies to the marketing department just fine. Here we have a poster for Blake Lively starring revenge thriller, The Rhythm Section.
Here she is framed by the open window shadowy upper floor apartment, possibly in a European city. It is a good bit of mise-en-scene in and of itself, muted honey-sunshine brushing the top of Lively's hair and just a glint of light in her (determined) eye.
There is a gun surreptitiously clutched at her lower back. This design quietly proclaims "classy" and "entertaining."
A truncated, unfussy, credit block sits down in the lower left corner; only novel, screenwriter and director are present. I do not recall seeing this type of 'micro-credit-block.' in the past, but it is handsome here.