LET ME BE FRANK: Episode 7 “Nonfilms”

Episode 7, “Nonfilms”, of the LET ME BE FRANK web documentary series is now available for viewing. Readings by photographer/author David Steinberg and artist/activist Paul Escriva. This episode explores Frank's "street series", his "nonfilms" sessions in Santa Fe, discoveries he made painting live models and his first experiments with erotic play. Episode 7 also includes a live performance of Moore’s poem, “Mutation Is Evolution” by Annie Krist. Music by Frank Moore, Vinnie Spit Santino, Michael LaBash, waveformalpha, Cosmic Starfish and Tha Archivez. It also features a brand new song, "My Heart Is In Your Asshole", which was created for this episode, written and performed by Mutant Press with Frank on vocals.
Let Me Be Frank is a video series based on the life and art of shaman, performance artist, writer, poet, painter, rock singer, director, TV show host, teacher and bon vivant, Frank Moore.
The series is partly a biography, but also a presentation of Frank's philosophy on life and on art. Twenty-plus episodes have been planned based on Frank’s book, Art Of A Shaman, which was originally delivered as a lecture at New York University in 1990 as part of the conference “New Pathways in Performance”. Each episode will feature readings by people who played an important part in Frank’s life, either as friends, lovers, students, artistic collaborators or supporters of his art.
Let Me Be Frank presents Frank's exploration of performance and art as being a magical way to effect change in the world ... performance as an art of melting action, of ritualistic shamanistic doings/playings. Using Frank’s career and life as a "baseline", it explores this dynamic playing within the context of reality shaping.
The series is available on Frank’s website at http://frankadelic.com and on Vimeo at https://vimeo.com/channels/letmebefrank.
See Episode 7 below!