JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: New Trailer For Miike's Adaptation Features The Stands In Action

If you're a fan of popular manga and anime series Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and you're anything at all like The Boy - who very much is a fan of Jojo - whatever excitement you may have for the upcoming live action feature from Miike Takashi has likely been tempered by one very large question: What will the Stands look like?
For the uninitiated, Jojo revolves around a cast of characters with supernatural abilities known as Stands that they can draw upon in combat. The range of Stand powers is extremely broad and diverse and - at least in most cases - the Stands are represented as humanoid figures that seperate from the body of the user to act on their behalf. Which means when it comes to the movie they represent a significant design and visual effects challenge.
Early teasers for the upcoming live action adaptation have been careful to focus purely on the human characters of the story - along with their remarkable hair styles - but a new trailer has just arrived that also includes a significant look at some of the Stands in action. Does it live up to expectations? Check it out below and let us know.