MAJOR GROM Brings Russian Comic Book Hero To The Big Screen

Founder and Editor; Toronto, Canada (@AnarchistTodd)
MAJOR GROM Brings Russian Comic Book Hero To The Big Screen

While recent efforts such as Guardians have shown a desire within the Russian film industry to tap into the super hero craze with some original characters of their own there has apparently never been an adaptation of a Russian graphic novel on the big screen. This changes with upcoming action effort Major Grom.

Igor Grom is a skilled detective from St. Petersburg, known for his daring nature and uncompromising attitude towards the criminals of all kinds. Incredible strength, analytical mind and integrity – these qualities make Major Grom the perfect policeman. Working tirelessly, he always pushes the matter through, and meets the challenges standing in the way.

The Vladimir Beseden directed action picture is now in post production and targeting a 2017 theatrical release. An international trailer - so, yes, English subtitles included - has been released on the eve of the European Film Market, check it out below!

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