Second MAGNIFICENT SEVEN Trailer Arrives And - Again - Is Way Better Than Expected

Okay, Antoine Fuqua, you got me. You can have my money. And probably my kid's money, too, which is also my money. Because as promised by the first teaser, this new trailer for The Magnificent Seven just looks like way too much fun to not see it on the big screen.
Director Antoine Fuqua brings his modern vision to a classic story in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures’ and Columbia Pictures’ The Magnificent Seven. With the town of Rose Creek under the deadly control of industrialist Bartholomew Bogue (Peter Sarsgaard), the desperate townspeople employ protection from seven outlaws, bounty hunters, gamblers and hired guns – Sam Chisolm (Denzel Washington), Josh Farraday (Chris Pratt), Goodnight Robicheaux (Ethan Hawke), Jack Horne (Vincent D’Onofrio), Billy Rocks (Byung-Hun Lee), Vasquez (Manuel Garcia-Rulfo), and Red Harvest (Martin Sensmeier). As they prepare the town for the violent showdown that they know is coming, these seven mercenaries find themselves fighting for more than money.
Fuqua, honestly, has never been a particular favorite of mine and I always tend to view his new films with more than a little bit of skepticism. But this one has won me over with a pretty fantastic cast, a super strong writing team - including True Detective's Nic Pizzolatto - and a trailer that invites you to ignore everything else going on in the world and engage in some good, old fashioned, escapist entertainment. And there's nothing wrong with that from time to time. Check it out below.