Exclusive Clip: HE NEVER DIED, Speak Softly And Take A Big Bite Out Of Life

Henry Rollins stars in the action-comedy He Never Died, which just opened in select theaters in the U.S. over the weekend, and is also available to watch via various Video On Demand platforms.
We have an exclusive clip to share -- it's definitely NSFW (Not Safe For Work), hide the kids -- featuring Rollins jumping into a body of water with an unwilling companion, and then NSFW language is expressed, leading to a few more NSFW moments. (Did I mention that it's Not Safe For Work?)
I haven't seen the movie yet, but our own Zach Gayne checked it out at SXSW earlier this year and commented thusly:
Rollins plays an eternity-old lug named Jack, who, suffice it to say, is lately feeling a little over life. Thus it comes as no small annoyance when the stuff life is made of comes wrapping at his door: hired goons, a daughter, a love interest in whom he has very little interest, and so forth.Rollins may not be new to the big screen, but never have his abilities and commitment to a performance shone through quite like this excellent starring vehicle. Rollins gives everything he has to Krawczyk's hysterically kickass screenplay, and the results are fascinating. Lucky, not just for Jason, but for audiences everywhere, He Never Died delivers in countless ways.
You can watch the clip below. (And Zach's interview with Rollins and director Jason Krawczyk is republished below that ) Enjoy!