Crowdfund This! NORTHWEST PASSAGE Chronicles A Life Lived In The Real Life Twin Peaks

NORTHWEST PASSAGE is a unique, visually-stunning documentary from director Adam Baran (JACKPOT), executive producers P. David Ebersole & Todd Hughes (ROOM 237, HIT SO HARD) and executive producer Jonathan Caouette (dir. TARNATION, ALL TOMORROW'S PARTIES). Ours is the first film to explore the impact of David Lynch's cult masterpiece TWIN PEAKS using one superfan's incredible true story. Travis Blue's experience, while unique, nonetheless illustrates deeper themes about how fictional narratives affect our lives in positive and negative ways.
Director Adam Baran is currently looking to raise $60k to complete his film with a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter and it certainly promises to deliver something unique and compelling. Take a look at the pitch video below and support the project here.To protect himself from the abuse he endured, Travis emulated Laura Palmer, the tragic, mysterious figure at the show's core, both consciously and unconsciously. As he entered his teenage years, he became more connected to the show's darker side. His obsession with the series grew alongside his dangerous behavior, before everything reached a breaking point.