Exclusive: THE RETRIEVAL Clip Gets To The Heart Of The Matter

In my review, I endeavored to convey the mood of the piece: "The film's strengths are cumulative, gathering force as the story develops and the characters are revealed more fully." Nothing speaks louder and more accurately than the film itself, however, and happily we have an exclusive clip that will give you an idea of the atmosphere created by the actors and director Chris Eska.
In the scene, runaway slave Nate (Tishuan Scott) arrives at a farm with young orphan Will (Ashton Sanders) in tow, only to get a different reaction than he expected. Taken out of context of the movie as a whole, allow me to note that what is said here is less important than how it is said.
It's a very fine movie, and deserves a place on your radar. Visit the official site for more information.
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