It was back in May that ScreenAnarchy first wrote about The Windmill Massacre, an upcoming English language slasher film from Holland to be directed by Frankenstein's Army producer Nick Jongerius. Well, in the time since Jongerius has shot a proof of concept for the film which is now in post production and he has passed along a gallery of six very impressive images from the shoot.
The Windmill Massacre is an English-spoken modern day slasher situated in the Netherlands, a horror film similar to films such as: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Hatchet and Halloween. The Windmill Massacre will combine all the richness and traditions that the Netherlands has to offer, but then drenches them in blood. The film will reveal a new face of terror, a new addition to the slasher genre in the likes of Jason, Michael and Freddy. He is called: the Miller. The perception of the Netherlands as a country of green fields of grass, grazing black & white cows, tulip fields, wide open skies and off course Windmills will never be the same again after seeing The Windmill Massacre...

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