Hey, Canada! Win Tickets To See Kitamura's NO ONE LIVES On The Big Screen June 19th!

The film is playing one night only in selected Cineplex Theatres in the following cities:A ruthless criminal gang takes a young couple hostage and goes to ground in an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere. When the captive girl is killed, the tables are unexpectedly turned. The gang finds themselves outsmarted by an urbane and seasoned killer determined to ensure that no one lives.
Vancouver, Victoria, Nanaimo, Langley, Richmond,
Calgary, Edmonton
Regina, Saskatoon
Toronto, Oakville, Scarborough, Etobicoke, Woodbridge, Mississauga, Ottawa, Windsor, Waterloo, Hamilton, London, Sudbury
To enter the contest, all you have to do is name which WWE star appears in this film. (Need a hint? Scroll down and watch the trailer.) To enter, email your answer, as well as the theatre where you'd like to watch the movie, to raven@ravenbanner.ca
For a heads-up on future Sinister Cinema events, be sure to "like" Raven Banner Entertainment on Facebook.
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