Mesmerizing Trailer For Fantastic Fest Award Winner VANISHING WAVES

With all the love being heaped on the picture it seemed like maybe, perhaps, it might be a good idea to share a taste and, look! It's got a trailer! A really fantastic trailer, actually, albeit one which is most definitely not safe for workplace viewing. Check it below.Have you ever dreamed of being inside the head of another person - a beloved one or your rival ? Have you ever wished to experience the ideal relationship, where two minds come into total fusion? "Vanishing waves" - a sci-fi melodrama. Following solid scientific experiment, based on the neural transfer, a young inhibited man will live an astonishing journey in the comatose woman anonymous mind. This contemporary tale is exploring the nature of desire by exposing links and contradictions between the human body and the mind.
Vanishing Waves will arrive on DVD and VOD soon in North America from Artsploitation Films.
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