THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE 2 FULL SEQUENCE delightfully disgusts Australian cinemagoers again!

How does that song go? You can't keep a good arthropod down... something like that, anyway after the ludicrously over-stated hyperbolic Australian banning of The Human Centipede 2 AFTER being released with an R18+ rating no less, the film is back to shock and torment in equal measure! The official Monster Pictures press release just came through the pipeline and had this to say.
Monster Pictures are delighted to announce that THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE 2: FULL SEQUENCE has been resubmitted to the Australian Government Classification Board and has again been granted an R 18 + certificate with consumer advice that warns 'High impact themes, violence and sexual violence'.
The film has been modified by thirty seconds, these modifications were
done with the utmost care so as to not damage the integrity of the film - we
are absolutely confident that this is the case.
Monster Pictures feels that this decision highlights the absurdity of
Classification Review Board's decision to ban the film in the first place.
That is certainly true, to put local distributors through such rigmarole can only do harm to our industry here, after this and A Serbian Film, which will NEVER be back, we can only hope the classification board have learned something. The press release continues...
Melbourne's Cinema Nova will begin screening the modified version of the film beginning Boxing Day 2011.
The DVD and Blu-Ray of the film will be released late February 2012.
Kristian Connolly, General Manager at Cinema Nova offered the following comment...
"The Australian classification system, one of the few of its type in the world, has served cinema-goers well for decades. Flip-flops such as this border on satire, recalling the shrieks of Helen Lovejoy on The Simpsons; "Won't somebody please think of the children?!" Guess what? They did and that's why it was rated R18+ in the first place."Think about the children indeed... with ill advised parental control they can look forward to, as can the rest of us, Martin's fiendish recreation of the centipede in cinemas and from the 'comfort' our our own home very soon.