TUCKER AND DALE VERSUS EVIL Advises That You Run For Your Lives

It's taken a while for the film to reach the audiences that have been clamoring for it since its raucous Sundance debut but Eli Craig's Tucker And Dale Versus Evil is available right now on US VOD with a limited theatrical run starting September 30th.
The film is a blood soaked and very funny inversion of the hillbilly stereotype anchored by fabulous performances from both Alan Tudyk and Tyler Labine and Magnet Releasing have thrown a couple new clips out there to demonstrate that fact. Check them both out - along with the red-band trailer - below.TUCKER & DALE VS EVIL is a hilariously gory, good-spirited horror comedy, doing for killer rednecks what Shaun of the Dead did for zombies. Tucker and Dale are two best friends on vacation at their dilapidated mountain house, who are mistaken for murderous backwoods hillbillies by a group of obnoxious, preppy college kids. When one of the students gets separated from her friends, the boys try to lend a hand, but as the misunderstanding grows, so does the body count. TUCKER AND DALE VS EVIL has been a hit on the festival circuit, debuting at Sundance, and winning the Midnight Audience Award at SXSW, the Jury Prize for First Feature at Fantasia, the Best Director award at Fantaspoa, and the Best Motion Picture Award at Sitges.
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