Get in on BLU? It's up to you. NEW YORK, NEW YORK

This film isn't for everyone. I myself am hardly a slavish Scorcese-phile. But as indifferent as I am to some of his latest work this odd little musical is clearly a labor of love and showcases both Scorcese and his constant creative companion Deniro, at their most experimental. New York , New York (1977) also showcases Liza Minelli whose dynamic performance here stands as a stark reminder that she once made movies instead of TMZ headlines. Deniro plays a saxophonist fond of blowing his own horn. But a chance V-J Day meet cute with wannabe warbler Minnelli starts him off on a long and sometimes painful journey in which the struggles and joys of love and career mirror each other.
Tons of extras here provide a virtual film school for anyone interested in Scorcese and his technique and include an introduction and commentary from Scorcese and film critic Carrie Rickey,and scene specific commentary by cinematographer Laszlo Kovacks as well as featurettes, alternate takes and deleted scenes.