Bruce McDonald Just Keeps Churning Them Out. Teaser for Punk Rock Drama TRIGGER

Editor, U.S.; Richmond, Virginia (@filmbenjamin)
Bruce McDonald Just Keeps Churning Them Out. Teaser for Punk Rock Drama TRIGGER
This may be the first post on ScreenAnarchy about Bruce McDonald not written by a fellow Canadian of his. But you don't have to be Canadian to be a fan, and if anything the guy is quite eclectic in his output, and one never quite knows when he's gonna strike next, 'cause damn he is always working on something. Well here's the teaser for his latest Trigger, which stars Molly Parker and Tracey Wright in her last performance, as two former punk rock band mates who reconnect over an evening.

While probably well known in these parts for his entry into the horror genre with Pontypool, McDonald is no stranger to the music scene, what with the legendary Hardcore Logo, it's upcoming sequel, and the Broken Social Scene concert film This Movie Is Broken, as well as having a hand in the television series City Sonic.     
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