And Now It's Time For Excitement. The Official Trailer For Teddy Chen's BODYGUARDS AND ASSASSINS!

Giving the mammoth production budget sunk into building a full scale set of turn of the century Hong Kong, the presence of Peter Chan as producer, and the presence of virtually everyone who matters in current Hong Kong film in the cast - with Donnie Yen anchoring - expectations have been running rather high for Teddy Chen's upcoming Bodyguards and Assassins. High enough that when a temp teaser leaked out a little while back I found it curiously flat and more than a little bit deflating. But no more. The first official trailer is out and while I'm not quite sure how I feel about the metal soundtrack the visuals are exactly what I wanted: Richly detailed and chock full of kinetic energy. And the entire cast looks great. The set is obviously one of the big stars here and they're still not prepared to tip too much in terms of story but there's more than just a taste of the action included and I'm certainly over my previous reservations now. Check it below the break!
Official Trailer
Extended Cannes Promo