Teaser for Indian Animated film ARJUN - THE WARRIOR PRINCE

Teaser for Indian Animated film ARJUN - THE WARRIOR PRINCE

It seems there is a boom in India's animation industry. On top of Roadside Romeo and Sultan: The Warrior underway to theaters, another animated feature film to look out for is Arjun - The Warrior Prince. Based on an ancient mythological hero, the animation is produce in CG but has the look of 2D animation, reminiscent of Dreamwork’s The Prince of Egypt. This may have the potential to catapult India into the spotlight as a major contender in the world of animation. Heres a brief storyline:

The storyline begins with Arjun as a nine year old boy and follows him till he grows into the warrior that the world knows him as. It explores his life with his brothers in Hastinapur, his training and education and his ultimate discovery of the warrior within himself.

The release date is at the end of 2009. You’ll find the teaser after the jump.

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Source: Animationxpress.com

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