Update on Nicholas Favorite's CHISELED



On the website of international sales agent +Entertainment, there's a version of the trailer for Nicholas Favorite's Chiseled that's larger and of better quality (the picture is brighter) than the one on the official website for the movie. There are also trailers for Fredrick Wolcott's Beings, Farnaz Samiinia's Plot 7, Joe Knee's Burial at Sea, Junior Bonner's Feeding Grounds, Ryan Rossell's Black Wine, and Daniel Stieglitz's Happy End..

As was previously reported here on ScreenAnarchy, the screenplay for Chiseled was written by Jay Benton. The movie's cast includes William Watterson, Jessica Graves, Jason Kypros, Lacey Bullard, Bashir Gavriel, Kimbette Fenol, Gary Cairns II, Gustavo Flores, Paul Cram, Jolin Miranda, Shannon Marie Codner, and Alexandra Boylan.

Here's a synopsis for Chiseled from the Fangoria article "Murder is art as CHISELED cuts in" (March 31st): "[Chiseled] follows a group of art-school classmates on their way to an industrial art exhibition who end up lost and trapped in a desolate ghost town. One by one, they are lured to the place where the exhibit was supposed to be, but instead of finding paintings or sculptures, they encounter an artist with a twisted plot: to use them as his medium! The youths have to fight to survive as this villain, his assistant and an art dealer try to hunt them down and turn them into their next sick exhibit."

+Entertainment: Chiseled trailer page
Chiseled / 1252 Films LLC official website (w/ Chiseled trailer)
GOMORRAHY.com: Chiseled stills set (76 KB JPEG)

GOMORRAHY.com: Chiseled still #1 (48 KB JPEG)
GOMORRAHY.com: Chiseled still #2 (28 KB JPEG)
* * *
+Entertainment: Beings trailer page
Beings official website (w/ Beings trailer - extended version)
+Entertainment: Plot 7 trailer page
+Entertainment: Burial at Sea trailer page
+Entertainment: Feeding Grounds trailer page
Feeding Grounds trailer - extended version (downloadable 9.7 MB MPEG-4 file)
Feeding Grounds official website (w/ Feeding Grounds trailer - extended version)

+Entertainment: Black Wine trailer page
Black Wine trailer (downloadable 9.1 MB MOV file)
Black Wine official website (w/ Black Wine trailer)

+Entertainment: Happy End. trailer page (trailer is in German w/ English subtitles)

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