Tag: whydontyoujustdie

WHY DON'T YOU JUST DIE! Interview: Kirill Sokolov On His Violent And Fun Apartment Western

Russian director Kirill Sokolov wears his influences on his sleeve in Why Don’t You Just Die!, a revenge tale in which a boyfriend (Matvey, played by Aleksandr Kuznetsov) will try to fulfill his girlfriend’s (Evgeniya Kregzhde as Olya) wish: kill...

Hey, NYC! Win Tickets to WHY DON'T YOU JUST DIE At What The Fest!?

Who likes free movie tickets! Who likes weird, mind-bending, smart, cool, funky, and all-around head-scratcher kinds of films? Who lives in the New York area? If you answer 'me' to all of these questions (or even just the last one),...