Tag: julianodornelles

Interview: BACURAU Directors Kleber Mendonça Filho and Juliano Dornelles

Flipping the idea of first world hegemony on its head, a Brazilian Western sci-fi genre mashup Bacurau is a campy, violent, funny, angry, energetic and carthartic film that is extremely enjoyable for both genre fans and politically minded. It is...

Review: BACURAU, Resilience and Resolve Against a Mounting Assault

Let's consider what's been happening in Brazil before we talk about the batshit crazy movie that is Bacurau (from the makers of Neighboring Sounds and Aquarius - director Kleber Mendonça Filho and co-director/production designer Juliano Dornelles). In early 2018, Luiz...

New York 2019 Review: Justified Mayhem in Kleber Mendonça Filho's BACURAU

At a glance, without any context of what's happening in Brazil, as the Bacurauans get rid of foreigners and traitors, the film is a silly, tacky man-hunting-man horror movie akin to The Most Dangerous Game or Naked Prey or even Hostel or Ruins. But it isn't. Bacurau highlights the resilience and resolve of Brazilian people against mounting assault of multi-national corporations backed by government military to devastate their beautiful, once burgeoning country in the global crisis era we live in. It's an activist film in a B-Horror movie disguise.