Tag: jadapinkettsmith

Review: ANGEL HAS FALLEN, AKA #fakenews The Movie

It seems only fitting that a film so intent on parroting right-wing conspiracy theories in the guise of entertainment should be just as transparent and incomprehensible as the people who proffer such theories to the public in real life. The...

Cinepocalypse 2018: Nine World Premieres And Festival Faves Dominate Full Lineup!

Next month, between June 21st and 28th the Music Box Theatre in Chicago, Illinois will be invaded with all manner of beasts and terrors. In only its second year Cinepocalypse is making a strong move to becoming a key go-to...

Review: MADAGASCAR 3: EUROPE'S MOST WANTED Provides a 3D Spectacle

By stepping up its game, Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted manages to be entirely compelling as a 3D spectacle, consistently filling the screen with a dazzling array of colors and forms and objects and animals, above all, animals who are...