Tag: giovannifrezza

THE HOUSE BY THE CEMETERY: 3-Disc Limited Edition / 4K Restoration Coming January 21st From Blue Underground

Normally I would not do disc announcements but I have a particular connection to Lucio Fulci's The House by the Cemetery. Simply put, I was in a spot where I was asking a director friend which films I should watch...


Before he moved into the ultra-gore films for which he's best known now, Lucio Fulci was on the giallo bandwagon, like many Italian filmmakers.  However, following the runaway success of his Romero rip-off, Zombi 2 (Zombie, Zombie Flesh Eaters, Etc...)...

Blue Underground Invites You To THE HOUSE BY THE CEMETERY, On Blu-ray 9/27

Blue Underground are one of the many home video labels out there doing fantastic work, and that makes me extremely excited for this announcement.  On September 27th, they'll be releasing Lucio Fulci's The House by the Cemetery on a brand...