SEEDS Official Trailer: Kaniehtiio Horn's Debut Feature Film Premieres at TIFF

Editor, News; Toronto, Canada (@Mack_SAnarchy)
SEEDS Official Trailer: Kaniehtiio Horn's Debut Feature Film Premieres at TIFF
Kaniehtiio Horn's Seeds is one of our anticipated titles of TIFF this year and it had its world premiere yesterday. With that the official trailer came out as wekk. We're catching up with it now, and if you haven't seen it yet take a look down below. 
Ziggy is offered her first gig as an online influencer, promoting for Nature’s Oath, a seed and fertilizer company. When her cousin summons her back to the rez, she is forced into a battle to save her people’s legacy, finding her power along the way.
Seeds has been on our radar for a while now, from its virtual pitch at Frontieres back in 2021 to now. As stated in our curtain raiser we will rush to support any genre work from an Indigenous filmmaker, especially any from right here in Canada. Read Horn's director statement and check out that trailer down below. 
While in no way autobiographical, I did draw on some of my own lived experiences of life on and off my rez, of leaving and returning. The idea of figuring out what it means to be an Indigenous person in this day and age but remaining tied to our past and to the land we were put here to care for. Ziggy is reminded of the strength that exists inside of her and explores the rage passed down from centuries of intergenerational trauma due to colonialism.
Inspired by Home Alone, Shaun of the Dead and the Canadian classic Clearcut, I wanted to make a fun ride I wished I had seen when I was younger. I craved seeing a smart, relatable, kick ass Indigenous female lead who I could cheer on and a soundtrack I could rock out to.
Practical FX, stunts and comedy have always been aspects of film making that I’ve enjoyed as an actor over the last 20 years. Once the action gets going in Seeds I wanted to ensure the pace remained fast. Humour compliments the visual style which is dark and grounded, I wanted to ensure the audience that they are allowed to laugh from the get-go.
I have enjoyed observing and being a part of the evolution of Indigenous film on Turtle Island and have been figuring out my place within it, where I fit and what my lived experiences and my voice can contribute to Indigenous storytelling as whole.
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