MAFIA WARS Exclusive Clip: Don't Apologize to Cam. Apologize to Tom.

Editor, News; Toronto, Canada (@Mack_SAnarchy)
MAFIA WARS Exclusive Clip: Don't Apologize to Cam. Apologize to Tom.
Terry Jacobs (Tom Welling) is a recently paroled felon forced to go undercover to bring down Griff (Cam Gigandet), the head of the most infamous mob syndicate in Italy.
Scott Windhauser's indie crime thriller, Mafia Wars, is coming to VOD & Digital on October 11th, from Saban Films. We have an exclusive clip to share with you today. 
In the clip Griff, played by Cam Gigandet, and Terry, played by Tom Welling, are speaking with Rinaldo, some low level gang underling who's done something to offend Terry and Griff wants to be sure that he apologizes to Terry for the trouble. And, also remind him who's the boss around these parts. 
You can also check out the official trailer below, as well. 
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