XYZ Films Acquires North America Rights to Serbian Cult Horror MUDBRICK (KUCA OD BLATA)

Editor, News; Toronto, Canada (@Mack_SAnarchy)
XYZ Films Acquires North America Rights to Serbian Cult Horror MUDBRICK (KUCA OD BLATA) has reported that XYZ Films has acquired the distribution rights for North America for the upcoming Serbian rural cult horror film Mudbrick (Kuća od blata). 
Following the events upon which he had to leave Great Britain for unknown reasons and to return to his parents' native village, Paul (Pavle) finds a mysterious family in the house he inherited which is part of the cult of the Old Slavic underworld god Veles.
This is the sophmore feature film from Nikola Petrović whose first film, the 2019 thriller Dogs Die Alone, also took place in rural Serbia. We're picking up on a theme here. 
The cast is led by UK and international actors Andrew Howard and Philip Brodie, accompanied by Macedonian actors Kamka Tocinovski and Dušica Nastova, and also by Serbian actors Joakim Tasić and Predrag Momčilović.
XYZ Films is both the sales agent and distributor of Mudbrick in North America.
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