THE SUPERDEEP Trailer: Russian Creature Feature And Body Horror Flick

Editor, News; Toronto, Canada (@Mack_SAnarchy)
THE SUPERDEEP Trailer: Russian Creature Feature And Body Horror Flick
So, during the Cold War the United States and Russia were not only trying to see how high they could go, the space race, but also how low they could go, digging through the mantle of the Earth. While the U.S. 'won' the space race the Russians 'won' the race to the Deep Frontier by drilling over 12 kilometers into the Earth's crust until the collapse of the Soviet Union. The site is called the Kola Superdeep Borehole. 
If you are going that deep surely you are going to find something more than precious metals. Russian director Roman Karimov surmises that it would be pretty awful and horrific in his upcoming horror flick, The Superdeep
Part creature feautre, part body horror, a rather impressive trailer was 'dug up' recently. It may be safe to say that Karimov has a certain amount of affection for a movie like John Carpenter's The Thing. Have a look for yourself below. 
The Kola Superdeep Borehole is the most large-scale secret object of the country. In 1984, inexplicable sounds like the screams of many voices were recorded at a depth of more than 12 kilometers. In the wake of these events the object was closed. A small research team went down below the surface to find out what secret the world’s deepest borehole was hiding. What they have found turned out to be the greatest threat in history. And the future of humanity is in their hands.
(Addendum: Looks like the uploaders of the trailer infringed on copyright and the trailer is nowhere to be found at any outlets that were carrying it. Trust us, though. It was pretty cool)
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