DRIVING WHILE BLACK: Watch This Exclusive Clip From Award Winning Film

Each year I was in college I was pulled over or approached by local authorities and questioned. The best two were the one year they thought I was going to hold up a Tim Hortons at a highway rest stop (a very Canadian way to go about free money, I guess) and another year they thought I stole a Porsche. That time I was standing at a bus stop. so go figure.
Thing is, I am as white as white can be, and even though I marvelled at the fact that a white guy standing at a bus stop or at a rest stop waiting for his ride would be questioned by the police that these instances, pardon the pun, pail in comparison to what black men in America go through, every, single, day. Fuck my annual check-in with the law. That is some real dangerous shit going on south of the 49 and we see it in the news constantly.
Writer and lead actor Dominique Purdy has channeled all of his experiences of being black while driving in LA into the dark comedy film Driving While Black. Directed by Paul Sapiano, Driving While Black opens in US cinemas on February 1st. Screen Anarchy has an exlusive clip to share with you below. We have also included one more clip, the trailer and a selection of production stills too.
Sound the siren! the critically acclaimed, internationally award-winning Driving While Black, from filmmaker Paul Sapiano, opens in theaters February 1.Based on the real life experiences of writer and lead actor Dominique Purdy, this arresting new comedy explores Purdy’s real life experiences growing up as a person of color in LA and his run ins with police.Dmitri is a pizza guy who would rather smoke weed and suffer for his art, but his mom and his girl won’t stop nagging him to get a real job. When he’s offered a gig mouthing off to tourists behind the wheel of a Hollywood “star tour” bus, it looks like everyone might get what they want. Trouble is, our man can’t seem to step out the door to get to the interview without endless complications: busted radiators, simple weed scores gone sideways and LAPD cruisers seemingly everywhere. Dmitri’s skill at going unnoticed by cops is honed by painful experiences growing up Black in L.A., but even his keen survival instincts won’t save him from the week from hell.

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