Exclusive Clip: In SAMI BLOOD, A Physical Exam Quickly Gets Personal

Managing Editor; Dallas, Texas, US (@peteramartin)
Exclusive Clip: In SAMI BLOOD, A Physical Exam Quickly Gets Personal

Prejudice is alive throughout the known world, but so are a lot of other sick things. Bravo to Sami Blood for illuminating a lesser-known example.

The film has been receiving plaudits from its extensive festival run and now it's preparing to open in New York. Advance word is very strong and very positive. We have an exclusive clip that provides an uncomfortable taste of a dehumanizing physical examination.

First, here's the official synopsis:

Elle Marja, 14, is a reindeer-herding Sámi girl. Exposed to the racism of the 1930s and race biology examinations at her boarding school she starts dreaming of another life. To achieve this other life she has to become someone else and break all ties with her family and culture.

Please watch the clip below. The trailer can also be viewed below. Sami Blood opens in New York tomorrow (Friday, June 2) at the Landmark Sunshine Theater before expanding to additional U.S. cities in the coming weeks. Look for our review a little later today.

TRAILER - Sami Blood from SYNERGETIC on Vimeo.

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