Watch Chrzu's Wild Comedy Short THE CONTRACT Before Its Sequel Premieres
We are pleased to present the internet premiere of The Contract, a short comedy written and directed by Finnish filmmaker CHRZU.
His short film Nightsatan and the Loops of Doom first caught our attention back in 2014 and he's been chipping away at making a feature version since then.
But he's also been busy developing other projects. The Contract was made in 2015 and enjoyed its world premiere at the wonderful Morbido Film Festival in Mexico. It also won The Golden Lomax award at Monster Fest's Trasharama section last year in Australia.
A sequel, The Consequence, is set to make its world premiere at the upcoming spring edition of the Night Visions International Film Festival in Helsinki, Finland on April 22. Before that happens, you can watch the short below, in its entirety, thanks to Chrzu and his filmmaking team. Enjoy! (Or be appalled, depending on your taste!) Then click through the gallery to see credits and stills. Click through to the end to see the poster for The Consequence and watch its trailer.