There's A Touch Of Wolfenstein In The Trailer For BUNKER OF THE DEAD 3D

Founder and Editor; Toronto, Canada (@AnarchistTodd)
There's A Touch Of Wolfenstein In The Trailer For BUNKER OF THE DEAD 3D
In the annals of first person gaming Castle Wolfenstein holds a very special place. For a whole generation of geeky kids - myself included - this was the very first chance to wander through enemy territory seeing things from a perspective completely within the game ... and the chance to blast some Nazis from that perspective didn't dampen the experience whatsoever. And while Wolfenstein would quickly be outstripped by Doom and Quake, it still holds a special place in the hearts of many.

And it would seem likely that Matthew O. Oaks feels much the same way about that venerable gaming institution as the trailer for his upcoming feature Bunker Of The Dead 3D promises very much the same experience with this tale of two friends searching for Nazi gold dropping viewers into hostile territory purely from the view of the main character as he makes his way through the titular bunker, blasting his way through undead Nazis as he goes.

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