Do You Think I'm Pretty? New Clip from Jonathan Glazer's UNDER THE SKIN

Contributing Writer; Toronto, Canada
Do You Think I'm Pretty?  New Clip from Jonathan Glazer's UNDER THE SKIN
Here is a chance to watch Scarlett Johansson's otherworldly 'girl of the night' ply her trade on a handsome, but unsuspecting, Scottish lad in Under the Skin. The minute long clip gives you the meat of Jonathan Glazer's unusual science fiction horror head-scratcher. It also gives a taste of its off-kilter documentary-ish tone whilst leaving to the imagination the film's more innovative and strange elements (that is to say, it is spoiler-free) that make it well-worth catching in the cinema. Yes, yes you should.

Under The Skin opens in the UK on March 14th before Canada/USA on April 4th.
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Jonathan GlazerScarlett Johansson

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