Trailer For Sex-Fueled iPhone Movie HOOKED UP

Editor, News; Toronto, Canada (@Mack_SAnarchy)
Trailer For Sex-Fueled iPhone Movie HOOKED UP
Toronto-based outfit Raven Banner have acquired world sales rights to Hooked Up, the first feature film to be shot entirely on an iPhone. 

This is also the first feature film for the director, Pablo Larcuen. Prior to this feature debut, Larcuen made the award-winning short films Mi Amigo Invisible (aka My Invisible Friend) and Elefante.

The story follows two young Americans who go on a sex-fueled trip to Barcelona but things take an unexpected turn when one of the 'hot' girls they pick up turns out to be incarnate of evil.  

"We're thrilled to be representing Hooked Up," says Raven Banner's Michael Paszt.  "Pablo Larcuen is an enormous talent.  It's no small task to shoot on the iPhone and the results are quite impressive."

You will also find the trailer below!
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