Watch The Teaser For Tony Ukpo's Indie SciFi AFTER THE WORLD ENDED

Founder and Editor; Toronto, Canada (@AnarchistTodd)
Watch The Teaser For Tony Ukpo's Indie SciFi AFTER THE WORLD ENDED
Director Tony Ukpo is one who has popped up here on ScreenAnarchy from time to time, the helmer turning out a string of intelligent and handsomely shot spins of different genre tropes. Ukpo is putting the final buff and polish on his fourth feature film now and, true to form, he's staying in the genre world with a science fiction picture titled After The World Ended.

An astronaut crashes in the middle of nowhere. A young woman searches for her family in an abandoned urban wasteland. A prisoner prepares for a space program that will make him the first human being on Mars.
Shuna Iijima, Lucien Maine, and Eke Chukwu star. Check the first teaser below.

After The World Ended - Official Teaser Trailer from Tony Stark on Vimeo.

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after the world endedSci-Fitony ukpotrailerTony Sebastian UkpoHaruka AbeJunichi KajiokaVera ChokSid ManDrama

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