Watch WRECKED, A New Short From The Directors Of RESOLUTION

Editor, U.S.; Richmond, Virginia (@filmbenjamin)
Watch WRECKED, A New Short From The Directors Of RESOLUTION
Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead are well known and appreciated in these parts for their genre subverting feature film Resolution. Some of you may also know them because of their absurd and hysterical promo videos, which were made to help promote the film at every festival it played at. Now, while they made a great little promo for their new short film, I thought it best to just straight up share the short instead. Makes sense, right?

Wrecked is the first short film to be made under a new Youtube Channel called Picture Show. It's an initiative between Tribeca Film and Maker Studios which teams up talent from the online world with emerging filmmakers of the indie persuasion. In a Youtube world that's populated with a lot of flash-in-tha-pan waste an idea like this is most welcome, especially when it is as good as Wrecked is. So, what is Wrecked? Wrecked stars online personality KassemG as a fighter pilot who crashes in the middle of bum-fuck-nowhere. Wrecked is the best Twilight Zone episode for that new Twilight Zone show from a parallel universe where the only difference from ours is that they have a new version of The Twilight Zone; it's Ray Bradbury tripping with Stephen King and Richard Matheson; it's more genre subverting goodness. Maybe it's a conversation with God, the Devil or Bob. One thing's for sure though... you should watch it. Right now.          
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aaron moorheadjustin bensonkassemgsci-fishortthe twilight zonewrecked

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