Ray Winstone Offered Villain Role In Aronofsky's NOAH

Founder and Editor; Toronto, Canada (@AnarchistTodd)
Ray Winstone Offered Villain Role In Aronofsky's NOAH
That Darren Aronofsky is engaging in a bit of creative rewriting for his upcoming big budget take on the Biblical story of Noah is made immediately clear by the simple fact that in his version of events there is a villain. Which, I suppose, makes for more dramatic tension than God having a general sense of disgust at humanity in general.

It's been known for a while now that Russell Crowe would be playing the title character and now Deadline have brought word that Ray Winstone has been offered the villain part. Winstone is an interesting choice, a veteran character player who, in the right material - but only in the right material - has charisma to burn.

Logan Lerman, Douglas Booth and Emma Watson also star.
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