So on with the show. This week I'll be talking briefly about BERNIE, starring Jack Black and Shirley MacLaine, and BATTLESHIP, starring... errr... a battleship...? And some... giant pegs...? One film won't sit still, and other won't get going. Welcome to summer...
Review: BATTLESHIP! (Insert Obligatory 'You Sunk My Battleship' Joke Here)

And so, I can't stay mad at BATTLESHIP. For whatever reason, director Peter Berg saw fit to adapt the classic board game into a monosyllabic cookie-cutter alien invasion spectacle starring the guy who played John Carter. (Taylor Kitsch, you are truly on a roll.) Squint and you can almost see faint camp aspirations. The only thing bigger than the visual effects budget is its degree of immediate forgetability. And the effects are indeed cool - they'd better be, since that's the absolute only reason anyone would go see BATTLESHIP. Unlike its toyetic cousin TRANSFORMERS, there's no established characters or mythology to mine. Even the inherent coolness of vehicles changing into robots is gone. That grants the filmmakers a blank slate - most of which remains glaringly visible throughout.
Liam Neeson cashes a paycheck for only five scenes worth of work, and international audiences are serviced with a multi-racial convergence of heroes even while middle America is shamelessly pandered to (a classic Michael Bay edict) via flag waving admiration of wartime veterans. (Which I admit is kind of a nice touch.) One posits there may've been a halfway decent naval cat-and-mouse period piece to be had from a more faithful adaptation of the Battleship board game (good grief, what am I typing?!?!?), but this, alas, is not that movie. Every move is far too calculated to call it dumb; the audience that makes this a hit, on the other hand, has no excuse.
Review: BERNIE Burns Out Early In Wacky Small-town Texas

But speaking of his need to rock, it just so happened that I received a copy of Black's brand new Tenacious D album as I was leaving for this screening. Make no mistake, JB and KG are back with a vengeance, and ready to shred!!! Whether that machismo-induced vengeance is actually wrapped in comedic closeted gay insecurities is up to the listener to deduce, although BERNIE is much less cagey about the issue. Bernie is, on numerous occasions, described as most certainly being a celibate homosexual, that alone perhaps provoking the unencumbered legal wrath of lawman Danny Buck (Matthew McConaughey, incognito with straight hair, a big hat, dad glasses and a shirt on). Also provoked is an altogether new kind of hammy Black performance, as he spends the entire film prancing, trotting, and speaking with vague nasal affect. Whether he's doing a verbal impression of the real life Bernie or half-channeling the film's production designer, I don't know for certain, but I do know this - a little bit ends up going a long way, particularly as the film meanders to nearly two hours in length. (Full Disclosure: I was part of said production designer's crew on a highly unpleasant film shoot in the summer of 2006. Old wounds...)
Like I was saying, it may not be SCHOOL OF ROCK 2, but BERNIE never lacks for musical performance, with Black and the film's soundtrack unapologetically belting out numerous protestant hymns of the faith and even a rip-roaring presentation of "76 Trombones". This, along with the laughing-with-them-not-at-them approach to the hayseed interviews peppered throughout the film, lead me to conclude that Linklater is not out to mock aspects of his home state, even if BERNIE is no unabashed love letter, either. Black essentially proves that he can clean up nice and be a real actor when he wants to be, and hey, silver screen legend Shirley MacLaine is in this, too! That's something, but is it enough to save BERNIE's troubled soul? Nosirrie.
- Jim Tudor
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