Two New Clips From Disney's JOHN CARTER!

Two new clips to share with you from Disney's John Carter; their slick adaptation of the material found in Edgar Rice Burroughs' Barsoom series of novels.
The first clip is actually a clip from the film featuring a jump that would normally kill a man, and a wicker boat for that matter. But Carter aces it, with the lovely Dejah Thoris in his arms. Only on Mars.
The second clip is one of those obligatory 'hype' clips where the actors 'sell' the film they are working on. According to them you are going to have the ride of your life. Honest to Mars, you will.
Joking aside I find myself in the mood for a simple and fun adventure flick and John Carter may just be that ticket to ride. And the poster to the left reminds us who the target audience is. Your kids. Let them get excited about the four legged land manatee. Me? I'm open to being surprised come opening weekend.
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