New TV Spot For Korean Crime Drama NAMELESS GANGSTER

Founder and Editor; Toronto, Canada (@AnarchistTodd)
New TV Spot For Korean Crime Drama NAMELESS GANGSTER
Oldboy star Choi Min-sik will grace Korean screens in February with the release of Yun Jong-bin's Nameless Gangster. Set against the backdrop of widespread corruption in the 1990s, anticipation is running high for this and a new TV spot has arrived to further stoke those fires.

Ik-hyeon is a corrupt customs officer who lives off bribes paid by the contraband smugglers. One day, after his financier rats him out, Ik-hyeon is visited by the inspector and faces losing his job. He runs into a group of armed criminals while on patrol and recovers a large lump of heroin. To sell off the drug, Ik-hyeon hooks up with Hyeong-bae who has connections with the Yakuza. He finds out that his liaison is related to him and quickly a partnership is formed; Hyeong-bae helps out Ik-hyeon set up a new business with the drug money, while Ik-hyeon lobbies for his partner through his family connection. However, the partnership turns sour over dealings with a rival organization. Soon after, the government declares war on crime and Ik-hyeon decides to take the opportunity to set up his partner and escape the tightening grip of the law enforcement.
Choi simply does now make bad movies and the trailers for this suggest that it may be very good indeed. Take a look below.

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