When Zombie Animals Attack Hot Girls In Bikinis! 'Zombie Roadkill' starts October 4th!

Editor, News; Toronto, Canada (@Mack_SAnarchy)
When Zombie Animals Attack Hot Girls In Bikinis! 'Zombie Roadkill' starts October 4th!
Don't you just hate it when this happens. You're out on the lake with your girl. She's looking fine in that bikini. You've got your video camera out hoping to catch some footage that will keep you company on those lonely nights until the bitch dumps you and you post it on Facebook and share it with all her friends and her parents have to spend thousands of dollars on therapy... ... ... ahem ... or worse... she gets attack by the local undead wildlife. Yeah. That would be worse. 

FearNet launches Zombie Roadkill online tomorrow! Check out the bikini chick clip after the break. 
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Find the Lakeside Attack clip here along with other clips.

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