Finally! Western/Thai martial arts action flick 'Bangkok Adrenanline' in Thai theatres May 14th!

Editor, News; Toronto, Canada (@Mack_SAnarchy)
Finally! Western/Thai martial arts action flick 'Bangkok Adrenanline' in Thai theatres May 14th!

Oh where has the time gone? It seems like it was just August of 2007 that we were first introduced to a Thai action and martial arts film called Bangkok Adrenaline starring westerners who live and work in Thailand. Oh wait. It was August of 2007. Wow. Time flies when you're watching other movies.

To us westerners it is called Bangkok Adrenaline, a title itself that boasts great creativity. In Thailand it will be called อะดรีนาลีน คนเดือดสาด, or Adrenaline Kon Deuat Sat, or roughly, I think, "boiling adrenaline men" as our friend WiseKwai pointed out in his blog. Basically any which way you call it it seems to sum up what to expect from it.

The synopsis is as follows, Fresh off the plane in Thailand, four Western backpackers find themselves in a card game they can not win. Owing bad-ass local gangsters a million baht they don't have, their dream vacation has taken an unplanned turn. Desperate to save themselves, they concoct a plan to kidnap a beautiful heiress and hold her for ransom. The zeros become heroes in this martial arts extravaganza when they accidentally save the heiress from her father's murderous intent. Dad gets mad and unleashes his army of hitmen in a last ditch attempt to fulfill his twisted ambition. But the boys aren't going to go down easy. Shot entirely in Thailand, blood pumps and fists fly in the action comedy Bangkok Adrenaline.

So, a year and a half after the film and cast were introduced to the Thai public it will finally be released on May 14th. Watch it for the fighting and the action, not the Shakespearean like screenplay. This one is just for kicks. A LOT OF THEM.

The lesson to be learned from all of this. Don't travel to another country and gamble cause if you don't know how to kick ass you're meat.

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