Tag: tinkerlindsay

The Many Faces of Toni Collette

This week, Hector and the Search for Happiness gets its wide release, and that is as good a reason as any to turn the spotlight on one of its stars: Toni Collette. While she has played plenty of pretty (or...

Toronto 2014 Review: HECTOR AND THE SEARCH FOR HAPPINESS, Cluelessly Earnest

The patron saint of smashing entitlement into smithereens, Louis C.K., has a great bit about being Caucasian. The gist of it is that he can hop in a time machine and go back in history, and there will be a...

Simon Pegg Chases "A-Penis" In First Trailer For HECTOR AND THE SEARCH FOR HAPPINESS

Simon Pegg is back with his special brand of happiness, this time as a psychiatrist in the throes of professional existential crisis, who sets out to taste the world for himself and learn just what it is that makes people...